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Teff - Abyssinian lovegrass - small but mighty!
World Dinner Ethiopia
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Injera is prepared from teff, the so-called Abyssinian lovegrass. It is the smallest grain in the world and is native to Ethiopia and Eritrea. Teff is gluten-free and rich in nutrients due to its high calcium, iron, protein and amino acids content. It was considered a backward grain in Ethiopia for many years and therefore its cultivation was neglected. Due to the increasing population, the higher demand but a production that cannot cope with it, teff has become more and more expensive in Ethiopia. In the meantime, its cultivation is being supported, but patience is still required for its sustainable production. During this evening we will learn how to prepare Injera. Besides, we will cook together a Doro Wot (chicken stew) and vegetarian Misir Wot (lentil stew) and enjoy it afterwards with Injera.
Date: Thursday, 19th October 2023, 6:00 – 9:30pm
Venue: Afro-Asian Institute, Seminar Room
Chef of this evening: Kadija Salzwimmer (Mattsee/Ethiopia)
Contribution towards expenses: Pay-as-you-feel (minimum € 3)
Language: German
Registration required: 0662/841413-13,
In cooperation with: KHG- Katholische Hochschulgemeinschaft