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POSTPONED! Twice Colonized

Native American Theme Evening mit Film Teil 2

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Veranstalter: Afro-Asiatisches Institut Salzburg


Too many Indigenous Communities and People around the world have not yet received the appropriate apologies, reparations, and restitution to which they are entitled.

They are still socially and structurally discriminated in many places. Deprived not only of their land and environment but also far too often of their language and culture, many of them struggle for their rights.

The documentary Twice Colonized follows the renowned Greenlandic Inuit lawyer Aaju Peter in her personal life and work. When her son dies to suicide, Aaju embarks on a personal journey to bring her colonizers to justice. She channels her pain into writing an autobiography and takes on the difficult task of creating a permanent forum for Indigenous issues in the EU, ensuring that Indigenous people have a seat and a voice in European policy. But at the same time Aaju is struggling to break free from an abusive relationship that overshadows her life. This sets her off on a journey to revisit scenes and people from her past, in Greenland, Denmark, Canada and the world. Fighting for a better future, we see her one moment putting on makeup to hide her bruises and the next speaking at the UN. But as tension builds, a key question arises: is it possible to change the world and yourself at the same time?

Here you find the trailer.

With the help of representations of real painful events in the history of Indigenous Societies, and the underlining of discriminatory continuities, we would like to deal with the rights of Indigenous People in the context of this theme evening. Further, we like to promote a sensitized attitude towards the situation of Indigenous People and show ways of serious allyship.

Film info: Lin Alluna (director), Greenland / Denmark / Canada 2023, OwES: Englisch / Danish / Kalaallisut / Inuktitut

Date: 7th of February 2024, 20 o'clock

Ort: Kapitelsaal, Kapitelplatz 6 (1. floor), 5020 Salzburg

Film duration: 92 Minuten

Language: English

In cooperation with: AntiRa Salzburg, BIPOC Circle, Talk Together, Sei so frei, Friedensbüro Salzburg
