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Interfaith Prayer, Ceremonial Address and Reception

Womens’ Voices

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Universitätsplatz 20, 5020 Salzburg, Österreich Wiener-Philharmoniker-Gasse 2, 5020 Salzburg, Österreich Salzburg,Universitätsplatz,5020 Veranstalter: Afro-Asiatisches Institut Salzburg

14th Reception of Religions

Visitors and representatives of religious communities from Salzburg get in the mood for the reception of religions with the unifying prayer at 6:15 pm in the Kollegienkirche: This time, strong women of different faiths and religious affiliations will inspire us to engage in interreligious dialog.  As part of a moderated discussion starting at 7 pm, the panelists will share their experiences, viewpoints and innovative approaches and invite us to join in the discussion. Following the panel discussion, everyone is invited to a buffet and informal discussion.

Date: Wednesday, 13 November 2024, 6:15 pm

Venue: Kollegienkirche (prayer), from 7 pm on (ceremonial address) lecture hall 101, Universitätsplatz 1, 5020 Salzburg, “Imaculada” (reception) Wiener-Philharmoniker-Gasse 2, 5020 Salzburg.

Language: German

In cooperation with:  Facluty of Catholic Theology at the University of Salzburg, Erzdiözese Salzburg, Diözesankommission für den interreligiösen und interkulturellen Dialog (DKID), Katholischer AkademikerInnenverband (KAV), Catholic University Community/Kollegienkirche, Institut für Religionspädagogische Bildung Salzburg (IRPB), Bahá'í religious community, Buddhist religious community, and Islamic religious community.
