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Odissi Dance Evening

Global Space East India

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Veranstalter: Afro-Asiatisches Institut Salzburg

Odissi is a classical Indian temple dance form that originated in the eastern Indian state of Odisha. Nowadays, this kind of dancing is not only popular in India, but also known all over the world.

Stories are told through grand movements and nuanced gestures of the body. The dance genre also includes narratives of gods and goddesses, such as Shiva and Shakti, from Hindu mythology. Odissi is based on symmetrical body bends as sources of perfection of expression. The dance evening invites you to get to know this special form of dance, to immerse yourself in geometric symmetry and to enter into rhythmic musical resonance.

Date: Friday, 24 March 2023, 6:30 p.m.
Attendance is free of charge!

Venue: Kapitelsaal, Kapitelplatz 6 (1st floor), 5020 Salzburg

Dancer and speaker: Anuttara Sharanya Das, student of medical biology, University of Salzburg

Language: German
