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Colonial Heritage: Human Exhibitions in Salzburg (1825-1953)
Decolonising Salzburg lecture and discussion
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Elfriede Windischbauer will present and discuss the results of her research on questionable ethnological exhibitions, also known as human zoos, in Salzburg. A guided tour through the Mirabell Garden with Nikolaus Kohlberger and Martin Mlineritsch encouraged her to look into archives and follow the traces of human zoos. She has found information on around 30 human exhibitions in the city of Salzburg between 1825 and 1953. Exhibition venues included the Schrannenmarkt, the Volksgarten (then known as Kaiser Franz Josef Park) and the square in front of today's Museum am Berg. There are detailed reports on some of the people on display - some of them for months - especially on births and deaths, so that biographical extracts from the lives of the people on display can be reconstructed.
In addition, the human zoos had an impact on the leisure behaviour of the people of Salzburg, e.g. in the form of disguises at festivals, in art, at sport events and also in language. Albeit only occasionally – critical voices are also being heard.
Trigger Warning: This event includes historical newspaper articles and advertisements which contains offensive, racist and dehumanising material. They’re reflecting the harmful ideologies of the time, which are processed through this analysis.
Date: Wednesday, 11 December 2024, 6:30 pm
Location: Afro-Asian Institute (ground floor), Wiener-Philharmoniker-Gasse 2, 5020 Salzburg
Speaker: Elfriede Windischbauer, Institute for Impulses in Education (IBIB), Salzburg University of Education
Language: German
In co-operation with: Salzburg University of Education
Decolonizing Salzburg is a process that is promoted and organisationally supported by a project of the Afro-Asian Institute Salzburg
Bildquelle: Salzburger Volksblatt / Salzburger Zeitung / Salzburger Landeszeitung / Salzburger Chronik