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Shopping Non-Stop?

Consumption-critical city stroll

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Friday, 14.06.2024, 14.00 Uhr bis 16:00 Uhr Salzburg,Hans-Sachs-Gasse,5020 Veranstalter: Entwicklungspolitische Plattform Salzburg

This consumption-critical city stroll is an informative and interactive opportunity to walk the streets of Salzburg while learning about fair and sustainable consumption.

During the stroll participants will learn about the production of goods and about consumption alternatives and where to eat and shop “differently” or “do it yourself” in Salzburg.

Date:  Friday, 14th  June 2024, 2 – 4 pm

Topics: FoodCoops, Mobility, Fairtrade City of Salzburg

Meeting point: Hans Sachs Gasse 14 (in front of the front door), End: Mirabellplatz

Length: 2 hours approx. For free!

Registration: 0662/841413-13,

A joint event by: A3W, AAI, INTERSOL, Referat für Weltkirche, Südwind

In cooperation with: Bewohnerservice Lehen, EZA Fairtrade, FAIRTRADE Town Salzburg, FoodCoops
