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Calligraphy Workshop
Date for beginners
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Calligraphy has a very high value in East Asia as an art form. Both body and mind are touched by this art. In different styles, are not only the aesthetics important, but also the character and emotions of the artists are brought to expression. The workshop introduces participants to Chinese calligraphy. Basic knowledge of Chinese writing as well as how to use traditional brushes will be taught by painter Linhong Zhao.
Presenter: Linhong Zhao, painter, painting and calligraphy teacher
Date for beginners: Tuesday, 19 November 2024, 5:30 - 7 pm.
Location: Afro-Asian Institute, study room (2nd floor)
Participation fee: 15 euros/10 euros for students and HOSI members (incl. material costs) per session
Registration required:, +43 662/841413 13