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Plogging Event
Together for a clean world!
array(71 items)uid => 874 (integer) pid => 215 (integer) tstamp => 1729157334 (integer) crdate => 1725007153 (integer) cruser_id => 52 (integer) deleted => 0 (integer) hidden => 0 (integer) sys_language_uid => 1 (integer) l10n_parent => 873 (integer) l10n_state => NULL l10n_diffsource => '{"l10n_parent":"0","l10n_diffsource":"","hidden":"0","sorting_foreign":"1","
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This raises the question of who takes care of the garbage, where it goes and what happens to it or not. For the so-called "zabbalin", the waste collectors of Cairo, collecting and recycling waste is the activity that earns them a living. For marine animals, the same waste may mean death. In Italy, the mafia buried the garbage - out of sight, out of mind. Now they are digging it up again. First the garbage, to undo past, ill-considered decisions if possible, and then dig even deeper to unearth new solutions to improve the current and redesign the future of handling waste. We would therefore like to devote these dates to the topic of waste and provide solution-oriented impulses.
By means of two Plogging Events we will try out an effective method against a littered environment. Plogging is an activity that combines sport and environmental protection! The trend, which originated in Sweden, combines the two words "jogging" and "plocka" (Swedish: "to pick up"). While running or walking, people pause for a moment to pick up litter from the ground. Together, we want to raise awareness of how to deal with waste, set an example and invite people to litter less.
We were inspired by Papa Dame Diop, an Italian with Senegalese roots, who introduced plogging in Bolzano and actively and collectively practiced it.
Dates: Tuesday, 15 October 2024 & Wednesday, 23 October 2024.
Time: 6 pm
Meeting point: Entrance AAI / KHG. Wiener-Philharmoniker-Gasse 2, 5020 Salzburg.
Plogging buddies: Jakob Wakonig and Maia Loh
An event organised by the Afro-Asian Institute in cooperation with: Catholic University Community, FH Salzburg, Department for World Church, Development Policy Platform Salzburg, PLUS Green Campus, Salzburger Bildungswerk, ÖH University of Salzburg, SUN, Erde brennt.
The plogging events are part of the focus ‘Together for a clean world!’. The screening of the documentary film Matter Out Of Place on 22 October 2024 is also part of this focus.