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Rhythm and Joy

Djembe drumming workshop

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Wiener-Philharmoniker-Gasse 2, 5020 Salzburg, Österreich Veranstalter: Afro-Asiatisches Institut Salzburg


Experience African attitudes to life and pure vitality during this drumming workshop with the musician Sally Goldenboy.

Step by step you will learn the basics for drumming together. It promotes team spirit and togetherness and trains coordination and concentration. It can release energies and bring happiness.

Drum teacher: Sally Goldenboy, from the SoriNaTu association

Dates: Fridays, 17-19:30 on the following dates: 08 November, 06 December 2024, 10 January and 24 January 2025; for beginners the course starts at 17:00, advanced students join at 17:30. The workshop dates do not explicitly build on each other and can therefore be attended individually.

Location: Afro-Asian Institute, study room (2nd floor)

Course fee: 20 euros per date / 10 euros for students and HOSI members - rental drums available (5 euros each)

Registration required:, +43 662/841413 13


