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Arabic with Avin Youssef

Basic level A1.3 (with very basic previous knowledge)

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Wiener-Philharmoniker-Gasse 2, 5020 Salzburg, Österreich Veranstalter: Afro-Asiatisches Institut Salzburg

You want to learn Arabic, and want to get to know more about other countries and meet new friends? Then our intercultural courses are the right events for you!

Dates: weekly from Monday, 14 October 2024 until the end of the semester, 18:00 - 19:30

Location: Afro-Asian Institute, study room (1st floor)

Prerequisites:  Basic knowledge of Arabic script; introduction of oneself; understanding and formulation of simple sentences.

Learning objectives: Consolidation of grammar knowledge; improvement of written and oral skills; expansion of general vocabulary; everyday situations; personal description; writing short notes.

Language course fees: At least 105 euros per semester1) / concession 85 euros2)

Cancellation: Cancellation is possible free of charge up to the 3rd course date. Terms and conditions at section: Downloads

Registration for the language courses: until 06 October 2024 at the latest via Email or call 0662/841413-13

1) In line with the pay-as-you-feel philosophy, you can contribute more than 105/85 euros, depending on your personal means. The proceeds go 100% to the language teachers.
2) Valid for pensioners, students, pupils, HOSI members or with SN-Card

