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Africa Film Day

Contemporary Productions from Africa in DAS KINO

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Thursday, 16.05.2024, 18.00 Uhr bis 21:30 Uhr Giselakai 11, 5020 Salzburg, Österreich Veranstalter: Afro-Asiatisches Institut Salzburg

To shorten the waiting period for the next Africa Film Days 2025, we invite you to an African cinema evening on May 16, 2024. With "Bravo, Burkina" and "All the Colors of the World are between Black and White".

We are showing two feature films that touch and show fates beyond clichéd ideas: A magical story about love, brokenness and migration on the one hand and a budding love affair between two men in a society that taboos and persecutes on the other hand. Afterwards, we invite you to join us for an evening together.
The detailed programme, information about screening dates and ticket prices will be found on our website

Date: Thurday, May 16th 2024, 6pm

Location: DAS KINO, Giselakai 11, 5020 Salzburg


Ticket price: 12 Euros / 8 Euros for apprentice, students, HOSI members, pensioners, for each film

Ticket reservations: +43 662 87 31 00 15 or

In cooperation with: Filmbeirat Afrika-Filmtage,, SEI SO FREI, World Church Department of the Archdiocese Salzburg, Talk Together, HOSI, Südwind Salzburg, EZA Fairer Handel, FilmInitiativ Köln e.V., Afrikanische Filmtage MUC e.V. u.a.


