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AAI Writing Group

Writing group for international students

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Veranstalter: Afro-Asiatisches Institut Salzburg

Every week we meet with AAI fellows and other interested international students who are working on a seminar paper, their thesis, or dissertation.

The purpose of the group is to motivate each other, to exchange ideas about topics and approaches, and to discuss problems. Students in their Bachelor, Master, and PhD are welcome to learn from each other and share their experiences.

Target group: International students
Coaching: Syntia Hasenöhrl, lecturer at the University of Salzburg und University of Vienna
Date: starting on Friday, March 15 2024, 09:30-12:30 hrs., except on holidays
Location: Afro-Asian Institute, learning space (1st floor), hybrid/online if needed.
Info and registration:, +43662/8414 13

Image by Freepik
